Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

Faiths & Avatars Version[]

This spell causes a single being who fails a saving throw vs. spell to be lost in a trance of intense pleasure and happiness, a sensation felt so acutely that the creature fails to notice the rest of the world, approaching danger, or pain. A blissful being wanders aimlessly about, smiling in a dazed fashion and dropping any items it is holding or wielding. Victims of this spell cannot perform any deliberate task, attack, or defend themselves—even if wounded during their blissful state. A creature affected by a bliss spell is immune to other bliss spells for one day plus one hour per point of Constitution it has.The saving throw vs. the spell is made with no bonuses or penalties if the* target creature has the same level or Hit Dice as the caster, and at a - 1 penalty per every level or Hit Die that the caster has in excess of the target, or a +1 bonus per every level or Hit Die that the target creature possesses above the caster's level. Blissful beings are not affected by hypnosis or any attempts (magical or psionic) to control or influence their minds (for example, charm person spells).

Priest's Spell Compendium Version[]

This spell causes a single being who fails a saving throw vs. spell to be lost in a trance of in­tense pleasure and happiness. The sensation is felt so acutely that the creature fails to notice the rest of the world, approaching danger, or pain. A bliss­ful being wanders aimlessly about, smiling in a dazed fashion and dropping any items it is holding or wielding.

The saving throw vs. the spell is normal if the target creature has the same level or Hit Dice as the caster. There is a -1 penalty per Hit Die or level the caster has more than the target creature, and a +1 bonus per Hit Die or level the caster has less than the target creature.

Those affected by this spell cannot perform any deliberate task, attack, or defend themselves – even if wounded during their blissful state. A crea­ture affected by a bliss spell is immune to other bliss spells for one day plus one hour per point of Constitution it has.

Blissful beings are not affected by hypnosis or any attempts (magical or psionic) to control or influ­ence their minds (for example, charm person spells).

Notes: Granted by the goddess Lliira, Mistress of Revels, of the Forgotten Realms setting.
