Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
See also Banishment (Wizard Spell).

The Complete Psionics Handbook[]

With this power, the psionicist can teleport a creature against its will to a pocket dimension and hold it there. The creature being banished must be extremely close - within 5 yards. The pocket dimension is a featureless area with a benign environment - it may be hot or cold, dark or light, but not so much that it will cause injury.

Banishment has a boomerang feature. If the psionicist fails to pay the pay the maintenance cost, the banished creature automatically returns to its original location. The creature cannot reappear in a location that now contains other matter, however (e.g., to a doorway that has been closed, or to a spot that now has sharp stakes upon it). If this happens, the creature returns to the nearest open space. In other words, psionicists cannot rely on the boomerang feature to kill or harm a creature.

As long as the psionicist pays the maintenance cost, the creature will not automatically return. If the creature has access to the astral or ethereal planes, or it can teleport between planes, it could try to return that way. If the banisher is still maintaining the power, however, a psychic contest takes place. If the banisher wins, the victim is prevented from returning.

Power Score - The banished figure cannot return of its own accord; it must wait until it is allowed to return.

20 - Both the intended victim and the psionicist are banished to the same place. The other figure bounces back when the psionicist stops paying the maintenance cost, but the psionicist himself must return via some other method: teleportation, probability travel, etc.

Player's Option: Skills & Powers[]

With this power, the user can teleport a creature against its will to a pocket dimension and hold it there for as long as he chooses to continue spending 15 PSPs per round. The creature being banished must be within 5 yards of the user. The pocket dimension is featureless, with a benign environment—hot or cold, light or dark, but not so much as to cause injury.

The banished creature returns to its original location as soon as the user stops paying the PSP cost. This boomerang feature won't harm the creature. If the creature has access to the Astral or Ethereal Planes, or if it can teleport between planes, it can try to return prior to the expiration of the power by rolling an Intelligence check at –3.
