Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

Balliard's rejuvenating touch revives an exhausted recipient. A creature under its effect feels as though it has had an appropriate rest period (a night's sleep, for example) and can eas­ily operate for 16 more hours before resting. This spell does not allow for the recovery of lost spells or hit points, nor does it alleviate hunger, thirst, or illness.

An individual can remain active even longer without sleep if a second Balliard's rejuvenat­ing touch is received before the duration of the first ends. However, the individual needs to make up all the sleep missed when the second spell ends. A human, for example, needing eight hours of sleep every 24 hours, stays active for 48 hours under the influence of two castings of this spell (16 hours of wakefulness from a normal night's sleep. 32 hours more from the spells). At the end of the second spell's dura­tion, the individual needs to sleep for 16 hours to make up for two lost sleep periods. An indi­vidual subject to enough castings of this spell to stay awake more than 48 hours straight loses 1 hit point for each eight-hour period beyond 48 hours. These hit points can be regained through normal means.

Notes: Rare or very rare, common or uncommon in Mystara.

Errata: frequency in the MYSTARA setting is common or uncommon.