Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

This spell allows the caster to create up to four glowing spheres of lightning at any time during the spell's duration. The damage each ball inflicts is determined by the number of balls the caster creates. Each ball lasts no longer than 4 rounds, regardless of when the caster chooses to bring them into existence. The spell duration is 5 rounds per caster level.

Number of Balls Damage
Four  2d4 each
Three  2d6 each
Two  5d4 each
One  4d12

The balls are about 3 feet in diameter and resemble will-o-wisps, or the spell dancing lights. The caster can move the spheres at a rate of 4; a globe sent beyond the spell range vanishes harmlessly. Controlling one or more lightning balls absorbs the caster's attention for the round. Uncontrolled balls simply hover in place. If a lightning ball touches a creature, it immediately discharges the damage shown on the table, with a saving throw vs. spell allowed for half damage. No attack roll is required for the wizard to move a ball of lightning into contact with a target, but most creatures can avoid a lightning ball simply by moving faster.

The material component is a powder of blue dragon scales.

Notes: Uncommon for Air or Weather mages; rare for others. (Updated from Polyhedron Newszine.)
