Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

When this spell is cast, the evolutionary clock of the affected being is reversed—its fighting ability increases at the cost of its mind. The recipient gains 1(16 in Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution (maxi­mums of 19), while losing 3d6 in Intelligence, Wis­dom, and Charisma (minimums of 1). Nails and teeth become sharper and usable as weapons. There is a marked increase in body hair, and body changes might be noticed (longer arms, hunched posture). At any Intelligence below 5, the creature shuns weapons for a claw/claw/bite attack (1d2/1d2/1d4; if a creature already has these attacks, add +1 /+1/+2 damage). A saving throw vs. spell is granted if the subject is unwilling. When the spell ends, the sub­ject must make a system shock check or remain in the devolved state (this condition is reversible with a limited wish or equivalent).

For an unknown reason, Articus's devolution­ary warrior does not work on elves. Most chronomancers believe elves were created whole without evolution, rather than with an innate resistance. Half-elves gain 1d3 in Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution and lose only 2d6 in Wisdom, Intel­ligence, and Charisma.

The material component for this spell is the tooth of a gorilla or carnivorous ape.

Notes: Restricted to chronomancers; common or uncommon.

Errata: frequency is common or uncommon.