By drawing runes of dire power upon a simple arrow, bolt, dart, or javelin, the caster changes the weapon into a sinister missile of cold, enchanted bone. The wizard may then throw or fire the weapon in the normal fashion, or he can choose to give it to a companion to use. If the wizard employs the arrow of bone himself, he strikes with the THAC0 of a warrior of half his own level and a +3 bonus to his attack roll; if he gives it to someone else, the bone arrow merely confers a +1 bonus to hit. A creature struck by the weapon must make a saving throw vs. death magic or die; even if successful, the victim sustains normal damage for the missile, plus an additional number of points equal to the weapon’s maximum damage (for example, 1d6+6 for an arrow or javelin, or 1d3+3 for a dart). Unlike the death spell or finger of death, the victim can be raised or resurrected in any expedient manner.
The arrow of bone does not destroy undead or nonliving creatures outright. Instead, the arrow inflicts normal damage plus four times the missile’s normal maximum (1d6+24 for an arrow, 1d3+12 for a dart, and so on), or half that if the subject creature succeeds in its saving throw.
The material component is a powdered sliver of bone mixed with black dragon blood. The resulting mixture is used to paint runes on the weapon. If the splinter of bone can be taken from the remains of a close blood relative of the subject (a sibling, parent, or grandparent), the victim receives a –4 penalty on his or her saving throw if struck by the arrow of bone.
Notes: Common for necromancers, artificers, and some Savage mages; otherwise rare (PO:SM).