This spell creates a flickering, impressive-seeming shroud of magical darkness around the caster or a single touched recipient creature. The aura can, if the caster desires, conceal the wearer's features. In any case, it improves the wearer's Armor Class by 1 point for every four experience levels of the caster (round down). It also lessens all nonmagical damage suffered by the wearer by Id4 points per round. (This reduction changes to 2d4 points if the caster is of 12th level or greater.)
The wearer of armor of darkness can see through the armor as if it did not exist and is also afforded 60-foot-range infravision by the spell. All beings within armor of darkness are immune to hypnotic magic and other effects that depend on vision and receive a +2 bonus on saving throws vs. enchantment/charm school spells, charm sphere spells, and psionics of similar effect.
Undead creatures wearing armor of darkness are immune to turning and dispelling attempts caused by things that they must see—the blow of a mace of disruption, for instance, would still destroy one it it failed its saving throw vs. the disruptive effect.
Notes: Granted by the evil god Shar of the Forgotten Realms setting.