Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

Table 105: Armor Type[]

Table 105: Armor Type
D20 Roll Armor
1 Banded mail
2 Brigandine
3-5 Chain mail
6 Field plate
7 Full plate
8 Leather
9-12 Plate mail
13 Ring mail
14 Scale mail
15-17 Shield
18 Splint mail
19 Studded leather
20 Special

Table 106: Armor Class Adjustment[]

Table 106: Armor Class Adjustment
D20 Roll AC Adj. XP Value
1-2 -1
3-10 +1 500
11-14 +2 1,000
15-17 +3 1,500
18-19 +4 2,000
20 +5 3,000

Table 107: Special Armors[]

Table 107: Special Armors
D20 Roll Armor Type XP Value
1-2 Armor of Command +1,000
3-4 Armor of Blending +500
5-6 Armor of Missile Attraction —*
7-8 Armor of Rage —*
9-10 Elven Chain Mail +1,000
11-12 Plate Mail of Etherealness 5,000
13-14 Plate Mail of Fear 4,000
15-16 Plate Mail of Vulnerability
17-18 Shield, large, +1, +4 versus Missiles 400
19-20 Shield -1, Missile Attractor

* No experience points are gained, regardless of the amount of additional AC protection the item provides.
