With this power, a psionicist can determine the likelihood that a specific course of action will succeed. He focuses on a course of action and examines the possibilities. He assigns probabilities. Then he mentally processes enormous calculations to arrive at an overall probability of success.
In game play, the character must first pass a power check. If he does, the DM must reveal the percentage chance for the plan or action's success. Exact odds may be difficult or impossible to determine, but the DM should provide his most accurate, honest appraisal.
No one, not even a psionicist, can foresee the future with assured accuracy. Like precognition, the success of this power depends on how closely the characters adhere to their plans. Do they act as they intended? React as they intended? What factors did they fail to foresee? Every deviation steers events away
from the predicted path. If this power is used, the DM should give the best answer he can, based on information the characters have. Factors they don't know about, and therefore can't take into account while forming a plan, can change things dramatically.
Power Score - The player is allowed to reroll any three die rolls to help make his character's forecast more accurate.
20 - The psionicist can't use this power successfully again for 1d4 days.