Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

This system of generating wild talents replaces the wild talent tables contained in The Complete Psionics Handbook.

To determine your character's wild talent, roll on Table I with a 1d100. This will indicate which discipline your character's wild talent is in. Then make a second 1d100 roll on the indicated table. ^our character may receive a bonus prerequisite power for the talent indicated; these are marked by an asterisk (*). A character may only roll three talents, but there is no limit to the total number of powers—talents requiring prerequisites could give the character as many as seven discrete powers.

Table I: Wild Disciplines
Roll Discipline Table
01-16 Clairsentience II
17-35 Psychokinesis III
36-61 Psychometabolism IV
62-70 Psychoportation V
71-94 Telepathy VI
95-00 Sciences VII
Table II: Clairsentience
Roll Wild Devotion
01-07 Ail-Round Vision
08-11 Bone Reading*
12-17 Combat Mind
18-25 Danger Sense
26-28 Environment
29-34 Feel Moisture
35 Feel Sound
36 Feel Light
37 Hear Light
37-44 Knew Course
44-48 Know Location
49-56 Know Direction
57-60 Poison Sense
61-64 Radial Navigation
65 See Magic
66-68 See Sound
69-70 See Ethereal
71-76 Sensitivity to Observation*
77-78 Spirit Sense
79-81 Watcher's Ward
82-87 Weather Prediction*
88-90 Choose from above
91-94 Roll twice on this table1
95-98 Roll again2
99-00 Roll again3
1 Ignore another result of 88 or better.
2 Roll one power on this table, and then roll a second wild talent from Table I again. Ignore rolls of 88 or better.
3 Roll one power on this table. Then roll on Table VII until a Clairsentient Science is indicated. Ignore additional rolls of 88 or better.
Table III: Psychokinesis
Roll Wild Devotion
01-04 Animate Object*
05-13 Animate Shadow
14-18 Ballistic Attack*
19-21 Compact
22-29 Concentrate Water*
30-33 Control Body*
34-39 Control Flames*
40-44 Control Sound
45-49 Control Light
50-52 Control Wind*
53-54 Cryokinesis
55-57 Deflect*
58-66 Levitation*
67-69 Magnetize
70-71 Molecular Bonding
72-76 Molecular Agitation
77-80 Return Flight
81-85 Soften
86-87 Static Discharge*
88-90 Choose from above
91-94 Roll twice on this table1
95-98 Roll again2
99-00 Roll again3
1 Ignore another result of 88 or better.
2 Roll one power on this table, and then roll a second wild talent from Table I again. Ignore rolls of 88 or better.
3 Roll one power on this table. Then roll on Table VII until a Psychokinetic Science is indicated. Ignore additional rolls of 88 or better.
Table IV: Psychometabolism
Roll Wild Devotion
01-05 Absorb Disease
06-07 Accelerate
08-09 Adrenalin Control
10 Aging
11-14 Biofeedback
15-16 Body Control
17 Body Weaponry
18-22 Body Equilibrium
23 Carapace
24-28 Catfall
29-30 Cause Decay
31 Cause Sleep
32-39 Cell Adjustment
40-41 Chameleon Power
42-43 Chemical Simulation
44-46 Displacement
47 Double Pain
48-49 Ectoplasmic Form
50-55 Enhanced Strength
56 Expansion
57-61 Flesh Armor
62-65 Graft Weapon
66-69 Heightened Senses
70 Immovability
71-75 Lend Health
76-77 Mind Over Body
78 Pheromone Discharge
79-80 Photosynthesis
81 Reduction
82-84 Share Strength
85-86 Spider Touch
87 Suspend Animation
88-90 Choose from above
91-94 Roll twice on this table1
95-98 Roll again2
99-00 Roll again3
1 Ignore another result of 88 or better.
2 Roll one power on this table, and then roll a second wild talent from Table I again. Ignore rolls of 88 or better.
3 Roll one power on this table. Then roll on Table VII until a Psychometabolic Science is indicated. Ignore additional rolls of 88 or better.
Table V: Psychoportation
Roll Wild Devotion
01 05 Astral Projection
06-13 Blink
14-18 Dimension Blade*
19-26 Dimension Walk
27-37 Dimensional Door
38-40 Dream Travel
41-44 Duo-Dimension
45-49 Ethereal Traveler
50-57 Phase
58-59 Phase Object*
60-63 Pocket Dimension
64-69 Shadow Walk
70-71 Spatial Distortion
72-73 Teleport Lock*
74-77 Teleport Object*
78-81 Time Shift*
82 Time Duplicate*
83-87 Time/Space Anchor
88-90 Choose from above
91-94 Roll twice on this table1
95-98 Roll again2
99-00 Roll again3
1 Ignore another result of 88 or better.
2 Roll one power on this table, and then roll a second wild talent from Table I again. Ignore rolls of 88 or better.
3 Roll one power on this table. Then roll on Table VII until a Psychoportive Science is indicated. Ignore rolls of 88 or better.
Table VI: Telepathy
Roll Wild Devotion
01-07 Acceptance
08 Amnesia*
09 Attraction*
10 Aversion*
11 Awe*
12-16 Conceal Thoughts
17-18 Daydream*
19-24 Empathy*
25-29 ESP*
30 False Sensory Input*
31-32 Identity Penetration*
33 Impossible Task
34-36 Incarnation Awareness
37-38 Inflict Pain*
39 Invincible Foes*
40-43 Invisibility*
44-47 Life Detection
48-51 Mind Bar
52-59 Mind Blank
60 Phobia Amplification*
61 Post-Hypnotic Suggestion*
62-64 Psychic Messenger
65 Psychic Impersonation*
66 Repugnance*
67-70 Send Thoughts*
71 Sensory Suppression*
72-75 Sight Link*
76-78 Sound Link*
79-83 Suppress Fear
84 Synaptic Static*
85 Taste Link*
86 Telempathic Projection*
87 Truthear*
88-90 Choose from above
91-94 Roll twice on this table1
95-98 Roll again2
99-00 Roll again3
1 Ignore another result of 88 or better.
2 Roll one power on this table, and then roll a second wild talent from Table I again. Ignore rolls of 88 or better.
3 Roll one power on this table. Then roll on Table VII until a Telepathic Science is indicated. Ignore rolls of 88 or better.
Table VII: Sciences
Roll Wild Science
Clairsentient Sciences
01-02 Aura Sight
03-06 Clairaudience
07-10 Clairvoyance
11-14 Detection
15 Object Reading
16-17 Recognition
18-19 Sensitivity to Psychic Impressions
20 Choose from above
Psychokinetic Sciences
21-22 Detonate*
23-24 Disintegrate*
25-26 Kinetic Control
27 Molecular Rearrangement*
28-29 Project Force*
30-34 Telekinesis
35 Telekinetic Flight*
36 Telekinetic Barrier*
37 Choose from above
Psychometabolic Sciences
38-42 Animal Affinity
43-44 Complete Healing
45 Death Field
46 Energy Containment
47 Life Draining
48-49 Metamorphosis
50 Nerve Manipulation*
51 Poison Simulation*
52 Regenerate*
53-55 Shadow-form
56 Choose from above
Psychoportive Sciences
57-58 Banishment*
59-62 Probability Travel
63 Summon Planar Creature*
64-69 Teleport
70-71 Teleport Other*
72 Time Travel*
73 Wormhole*
74 Choose from above
Telepathic Sciences
75-77 Domination*
78-84 Ejection
85 Fate Link*
86 Hallucination*
87 Mass Domination
88-92 Mindlink*
93 Mindwipe*
94 Probe*
95 Superior Invisibility*
96 Switch Personality*
97 Choose from above
98-99 Roll again1
00 Roll twice on this table2
1 Roll one power on this table, and then roll a wild talent starting from Table I again. Ignore additional rolls on this table of 98 or better.
2 Ignore another result of 98 or better.