Appendix |
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Appendix 1: Common Spells for Necromancers |
Appendix 2: Wizard Spells in the School of Necromancy |
Appendix 3: Priest Spells In the Necromantic Sphere |
Appendix 4: Master Index of Necromantic Priest and Wizard Spells |
List of Tables |
These tables list most spells available to necromancer wizards (boldfaced spells belong to the school of Necromancy). When randomly filling a scroll or spell list, determine the spell's level, then use the frequency table, then the appropriate subtable.
Bold-Italicized spells are described in this book. TOM = Tome of Magic; WH = Complete Wizard's Handbook; SH= Complete Sha'ir's Handbook; FOR = Forgotten Realms Adventures; AA = Arabian Adventures. The rest are found in the 2nd Edition Player's Handbook.
01–60 | Offense/Defense |
61–90 | Divination |
91–00 | Special/Rare |
9th Level Spells[]Offense/Defense[]