When found, this item appears to be a large, sealed iron barrel, but it has a secret catch that opens a hatch in one end. Inside are 10 levers:
Level | Effect |
1 | Extend/retract legs and tail |
2 | Uncover/cover forward porthole |
3 | Uncover/cover side portholes |
4 | Extend/retract pincers and feelers |
5 | Snap pincers |
6 | Forward/left or right |
7 | Backward/left or right |
8 | Open "eyes" with continual light inside/close "eyes" |
9 | Raise (levitate)/sink |
10 | Open/close hatch |
The apparatus moves forward at a speed of three, backward at six. Two pincers extend forward four feet and snap for 2d6 points of damage each if they hit a creature—25% chance, no reduction for armor, but Dexterity reduction applies. The device can operate in water up to 900 feet deep. It can hold two man-sized characters and enough air to operate for 1d4 + 1 hours at maximum capacity. The apparatus is AC 0 and requires 100 points of damage to cause a leak, 200 to stave in a side. When the device is operating it looks something like a giant lobster.
In a Dragonlance Campaign: The apparatus of Kwalish does not exist on Ansalon.