This powerful spell allows the caster to correctly know what attacks and other actions all beings within 60 feet at the time of casting will attempt on the following round, so the caster can act accordingly. For each weapon attack to occur, the information gained is the type of weapon to be used, whether the weapon is magical (but not what magical power will be used), and the attacker's intended target.
If the attack is to be a spell, the intended target or area of effect of the spell is revealed, but not the type of spell. For activities involving items, the precise item to be used is learned. Often this reveals the presence of hidden items to the caster.
Undead beings and creatures from other planes cannot be “read” by this spell. Note that the spell reveals the presence (but not location) of invisible or disguised beings by communicating their intended activities to the caster.
Notes: Restricted to the Seven Sisters, their apprentices, selected Harpers, and diviners; rare.