Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

This spell, also known as animate dread war­rior of Tam, creates an undead creature known as a dread warrior. It requires the corpse of a fighter of at least 4th level who has been dead for less than one full day (any longer and loss of intelli­gence renders the warrior unusable). After the casting, the corpse rises as a dread warrior under the control of the spellcaster.

A raise dead spell destroys one utterly. A res­urrection spell requires the warrior to save vs. spell. Failure destroys it outright; success restores the warrior to life. This spell was developed by Szass Tam of Thay for an invasion of Rashemen.

Notes: Common for Red Wizards of Thay; uncommon for necromancers; rare for others.

Dread Warrior: AC2 to AC4; MV 9; HD 4; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon +2; SW turned as shadows, low Intelligence.
