Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

The Complete Psionics Handbook[]

When the psionicist first learns this power, he develops an affinity for a particular type of animal. He cannot choose the animal; the affinity is dictated by his aura. To determine the nature of the affinity, the psionicist's player rolls 1d20 and consults the table below. From that point on, when the character invokes this power, he can claim one of the animal's attributes as his own temporarily. He can gain the animal's armor class, movement rate and mode, attacks and damage, THAC0, hit points, or any other special ability. Only one of these can be used at a time, however.

The effect lasts as long as the psionicist maintains the power. Switching to a different ability means paying the initial cost of the power again, and making a new power check.

The character does undergo a physical change when this power is invoked.

The extent of the change depends on the animal and the ability. For example, adopting a hawk's movement obviously requires wings, while attacking like a tiger calls for fangs and claws.

1d20 Result
1 Ape
2 Barracuda
3 Boar
4 Bull
5 Crocodile
6 Eagle, giant
7 Elephant
8 Falcon
9 Griffon
10 Grizzly bear
11 Lion
12 Panther (black leopard)
13 Percheron (draft horse)
14 Peregrine falcon (hawk)
15 Rattlesnake
16 Scorpion, giant
17 Shark
18 Stag
19 Tiger
20 Wolf

Power Score - The character gains two abilities instead of one.

20 - The character's skin takes on the appearance of the animal's skin until the power is used again successfully (no change in AC).

Player's Option: Skills & Powers[]

With this power, the user develops an affinity for a particular animal type. Roll on the list below to determine the animal type (see the Monstrous Manual for descriptions). The user undergoes a physical change when this power is used, depending on the animal and ability. For example, he may gain wings or claws.

When the user activates this power, he temporarily gains one of the animal's attributes. He can gain the animal's Armor Class; movement rate and mode; physical attacks, damage, and THAC0; hit points; or any other special ability—though only one of these can be gained at a time. The attribute lasts for every round that the cost is paid. Switching to a different attribute requires a new MTHAC0 roll.

1d20 Result
1 Ape
2 Barracuda
3 Boar
4 Bull
5 Crocodile
6 Eagle, giant
7 Elephant
8 Falcon
9 Griffon
10 Grizzly bear
11 Lion
12 Panther (black leopard)
13 Draft horse
14 Peregrine falcon (hawk)
15 Rattlesnake
16 Scorpion, giant
17 Shark
18 Stag
19 Tiger
20 Wolf
* Constrictor or poison, player's choice.