Allows the caster to modify a selected part of a living creature's physical form. This could be changing paws into hands, giving a quadruped an upright, bipedal stance, increasing brain capacity, and so on. The process requires a laboratory and at least a week's preparation time. The casting inflicts much pain, so the subject must be strongly willing, immobilized, or unconscious during the casting. Each use of this spell requires the subject to make a system shock survival roll, (using a base 80% +1%/HD if a Constitution score is not available).
Changes made by this spell will affect the creature's genetic makeup thereafter. The effects might be passed on to offspring if the creature mates with a similarly altered creature of its own original species. Only a limited wish or full wish will reverse the spell's effects. The material component is two strands of heavy gold wire twisted together in a double helix.
Notes: Rare spell.