This spell enables the spellcaster to create a crystal sphere about 6 inches in diameter with all of the powers of a crystal ball, as described in the DUNGEON MASTER Guide. In addition, the priest can cast any spell solely from the schools of lesser or greater divination or the sphere of divination through the all-seeing crystal ball. All other strictures associated with normal crystal balls apply to the spellcaster when employing an all-seeing crystal ball.
Spellcasters who are 15th level or above can create an all-seeing crystal ball with clairaudience. Spellcascers who are 17th level or above can create an all-seeing crystal ball with ESP. Spellcasters who are 19th level or above can create an all-seeing crystal ball with telepathy (communication only). These creations have the same abilities as the magical items of the same name, as well as the improved capability for casting divination spells through them mentioned above.
The material components of this spell are the priest's holy symbol and a ball of snow and ice or a pile of fine sand of the volume of a 6-inch sphere.
Notes: Granted by the divination deity Savrath in the Forgotten Realms setting.