This creates a mobile sphere of breathable air, identical to the atmosphere of the caster's home world or land. This air can be fouled with use as other atmospheres, but drives out and displaces any fouled air it contacts for the first three turns of its existence.
The air comes into being around the caster, but does not mix with the surrounding atmosphere. During the first three turns, the caster can mentally move the airsphere in any direction, at a movement rate of 9, to a distance of 10 yards per level. Thereafter it is no longer under the caster's control, and obeys the gravity of nearby objects. This spell is often used to aid a stranded being in space by hurling air to him.
If an airsphere contacts a fiery explosion in the phlogiston, the fiery area expands to the limits of the airsphere and fouls it. Those within this expanded area of effect suffer+1 point per die of normal fire damage.
The material component (broken during casting) is a small crystal or glass sphere holding air.
Notes: Common for spellcasters from a spelljamming culture; otherwise rare.