Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

The Complete Psionics Handbook[]

By controlling the production and release of adrenaline in his system, the psionicist can give himself temporary physical boosts on demand. When he increases his adrenaline, the character gains 1d6 points, which he can add directly to his Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution scores however he chooses. He enjoys all the normal bonuses for high physical attributes while this power is in effect.

If the psionicist's power check result is a 1, he overtaxes his system with this adrenaline. He still gets the boost, but he loses twice that many hit points, too.

Power Score - Instead of dividing the d6 result, the character applies that many points to each of the three attributes.

20 - The psionicist must make a successful system shock roll or suffer a 50% loss in current hps and pass out for 1d8 hours.

Player's Option: Skills & Powers[]

This power temporarily boosts the amount of adrenaline in the user's system, giving him physical advantages. He gains 1d6 points to divide among his Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores as he chooses, thus increasing them while the power is in effect. He receives all of the normal bonuses for high ability scores during this period. (If used to increase Constitution, the user might temporarily gain bonus hit points. Damage suffered is subtracted from the extra hit points first.)

Exceeding racial maximums is dangerous. When an attribute is increased beyond the racial maximum and the user stops paying the PSP cost, he must make a system shock check; he suffers 1d6 points of physical damage if the roll fails.
