Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki
See also Acid Bolt (Wizard Spell).

The caster creates a continuous, straight stream of shimmering liquid that emerges from the caster's hand, and can be aimed, using the caster's attack roll to attain a “direct hit”. On impact, the forms a 10' radius sphere of acid, and explodes outward in a burst of liquid. Creatures in the sphere of acid suffer 4d4 damage and each exposed item they wear or carry must make a saving throw vs. acid. Creatures hit by the sphere take damage for multiple rounds, unless the acid is somehow neutralized. The continuing effect is an additional 1d4 points of acid damage per three levels of the caster per round. The effects last 1 round for every three experience levels of the caster. Thus, a 10th-level caster's acid bolt lasts for a maximum of three additional rounds, inflicting 3d4 additional points of acid damage per round. The acid can be countered by dousing the victim in at least a half-gallon of water, wine, or similar liquid, or other measures deemed sufficient by the DM.

Creatures struck by splashes from the acid bolt (any creature within a 20-foot radius danger zone) take 2d4 points of acid splash damage. Splash damage is only taken for the round in which the bolt strikes and generally won't require item saving throws.

The material components of this spell are spit­tle from the caster, a dart, thorn, needle, or icicle, a crystal or glass sphere of any size, and a clear glass vial of acid.

Notes: Common for drow; otherwise rare.
