Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

This spell allows for natural healing by speed­ing up the life processes of the subject. Life processes (sleeping, eating, healing) progress at a rate of 1 day per turn for the duration of the spell. The creature cannot move or fight any faster than normal. If the creature is unwilling, a saving throw vs. spell is allowed to negate the effect.

Seven rounds per turn must he spent eating and drinking a day's rations, the other three rounds must be spent resting. If insufficient nourishment is provided the creature suffers from thirst and starvation. If insufficient rest is taken, exhaustion results and no healing occurs.

The creature regains 1 hit point per turn for the first seven turns (minus any penalty due to poor Constitution). In subsequent multiples of seven turns, those with Constitution bonuses receive the Constitution hit point bonus as additional heal­ing. In any case, 28 turns of accelerated metabo­lism heal an individual completely, but age the creature a week (as opposed to a day), due to the stresses of the artificially high metabolic rate.

The material component for this spell is a candle, which must be lit at both ends. The candle must burn for the duration of the spell; if it is extinguished, the spell ends prematurely. The candle is completely burned if the spell runs its normal course.

Notes: Restricted to chronomancers; very rare. (Updated from Dragon Magazine.)
