Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition Wiki

The Complete Ranger's Handbook

Appendix: AD&D 1st Edition Ranger[]

Class Description[]

Rangers are a sub-class of fighter who are adept at woodcraft, tracking, scouting, infiltration, and spying. All rangers must be of good alignment, although they can be lawful good, chaotic good, or neutral good. A ranger must have a Strength score of at least 13, Intelligence of at least 13, Wisdom of at least 14, and Constitution of at least 14. If the ranger has ability scores of greater than 15 in Strength, Intelligence, and Wisdom, he gains the benefit of adding 10% to experience points awarded by the referee.

Unlike other members of the fighter group, rangers have eight-sided Hit Dice (d8) but at first level they get 2, rather then 1, Hit Dice. It should also be noted that rangers get 11 Hit Dice rather than the 9 of other fighter-types. Table 61 shows the experience points needed for each level, along with the associated titles. Table 62 lists the number of attacks per round a ranger can make at various levels.

Table 61: Experience Levels (1st Edition)

Level XP
Hit Dice
1 0 2 Runner
2 2,251 3 Strider
3 4,501 4 Scout
4 10,001 5 Courser
5 20,001 6 Tracker
6 40,001 7 Guide
7 90,001 8 Pathfinder
8 150,001 9 Ranger
9 225,001 10 Ranger Knight
10* 325,001 11 Ranger Lord
11 650,001 11+2 Ranger Lord (11th level)
12** 975,001 11+4 Range Lord (12th level)
* Rangers gain 2 hit points per level after the 10th.
** 325,000 experience points per level for each additional level above the 12th.

Table 62: Attacks Per Round (1st Edition)

Level Attacks/Round*
1-7 1/1 round
8-14 3/2 rounds
15+ 2/1 round
* This applies to any thrusting or striking weapon.

Special Abilities[]

In addition to considerable prowess as fighters, rangers have druidic and magical spell capabilities when they attain high levels. Thus, they are very formidable opponents, for they have other abilities and benefits as well.

When fighting humanoid-type creatures of the "giant class," listed hereafter, rangers add 1 hit point for each level of experience they have attained to the points of damage scored when they hit in melee combat. Giant class creatures are listed on Table 66. Example: a 5th level ranger hits a bugbear in melee combat, and the damage done to the opponent will be according to the ranger's weapon type, modified by his Strength, and +5 (for his or her experience level) because the opponent is a bugbear (a "giant class" humanoid).

Rangers surprise opponents when rolling 1-3 on 1d6 and are themselves surprised only when rolling 1 on 1d6.

Tracking is possible both outdoors and underground (in dungeons and similar settings). Underground, the ranger must have observed the creature to be tracked within 3 turns (30 minutes) of the commencement of tracking, and the ranger must begin tracking at a place where the creature was observed. Table 63 lists the ranger's chance to track creatures underground in various situations.

Table 63: Underground Tracking Chances

Creature's Action Chance to Track
Going along a normal passage or room 65%
Passes through normal door or uses stairs 55%
Goes through a trap door 45%
Goes up or down a chimney or
through a concealed door
Passes through a secret door 25%

Outdoors, a ranger has a base 10%, plus 10% per level, chance of following a creature (1st: 20%, 2nd: 30%, etc). Table 64 shows the modifications to the base chance.

Table 64: Outdoor Tracking Modifiers

Situation Modifier
For each creature above 1 in the
party being tracked
For every 24 hours that have elapsed -10%
For each hour of preparation -25%

At 8th level, rangers gain limited druidic spell ability. Additional spells are added through 17th level. At 9th level, rangers gain limited magic-user spell ability, as with druidic spell ability (see Table 65). Rangers can't read druid, cleric, or magic-user spells from magical scrolls in any event.

Table 65: Spell Progression (1st Edition)

Spell Level
1 2 3 1 2
8 1
9 1 1
10 2 1
11 2 2
12 2 1 2
13 2 1 2 1
14 2 2 2 1
15 2 2 2 1
16 2 2 1 2 2
17* 2 2 2 2 2
 * Maximum spell ability
** The ranger must check which spells he can learn, just as if he was a magic-user.

  At 10th level (Ranger Lord), rangers are able to employ all non-written magical items which pertain to clairaudience, clairvoyance, ESP, and telepathy.

  Also at 10th level, each ranger attracts 2-24 (2d12) followers. Note that these henchmen once lost can never be replaced, although mercenaries can be hired, of course. These followers are determined by the DM who then informs the ranger.

Special Restrictions

  Any change to non-good alignment immediately strips the ranger of all benefits, and the character becomes a fighter, with eight-sided Hit Dice ever after. He can never again regain ranger status.

  Rangers may not hire men-at-arms, servants, aides, or henchmen until they attain 8th level or higher.

  No more than three rangers may ever operate together at any time.

  Rangers may own only those goods and treasures which they can carry on their person and/or place upon their mount. All excess must be donated to a worthy communal or institutional cause (but never to another player character).

  Rangers do not attract a body of mercenaries to serve them, but when (and if) rangers construct strongholds, they conform to the fighter class in other respects.

The following is a list of "giant class" creatures for which the ranger receives his special combat bonus.

Table 66: Giant Class Creatures

bugbear kobold
cyclops meazel
cyclopskin norker
dune stalker ogre/merrow
ettin ogre mage
giant (all) ogrillion
giant-kin (all) orc/orog
gibberling quaggoth
gnoll/flind spriggan
goblin tasloi
grimlock troll/scrag (all)
hobgoblin/kaolinth xvart

Optional Rule (from Unearthed Arcana)The Ranger's Weapons[]

By the time a ranger gains a fourth weapon proficiency at 4th level, the character's weapons must include:

  • a bow (of any sort) or light crossbow*
  • a dagger or knife
  • a spear or an axe
  • a sword (any type)
  • This choice must be made at 1st level.